Mehran Aminian, an Iranian-Canadian lyricist, composer, and vocalist, was born in Tehran, Iran in 1978.
During his early childhood, Mehran has experienced the aftermath of Islamic revolution in Iran followed with an 8-year intensive war between Iran and its western neighbour, Iraq. Living under an Islamic government, playing music was also a challenge for the Iranian youth in early 80’s.

Mehran started playing the guitar, as his main musical instrument, at a young age and with a love of Flamenco, but soon gravitated towards Rock and put his learning into test. His music is inspired by progressive rock legends of the 70’s and 80’s such as Pink Floyd.

Mehran has founded the Persis, a progressive Rock band in Iran with Pouya Nikpour, and published his first album in 2009. In his body of work, Mehran has two albums and several single tracks published so far.

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